A Collection of Inspiring Quotes from Legendary Music Producer AR Rahman.

AR Rahman is a legendary music composer who originates from India. His music has the power to move you and entertain you at the same time. Here are a collection of his most famous quotes to inspire you.
A Collection of Inspiring Quotes from Legendary Music Producer AR Rahman.


If you live outside of India and have not heard of AR Rahman, chances are that you probably have watched and enjoyed some famous movies to which he added his brilliant soundtracks. Movies such as Slumdog Millionaire, Couples Retreat and 127 Hours all feature his powerful and moving music. He is renowned for making creative original music and adding the soundtracks to bring movies to life. He has also been presented with two Grammy awards for his work on Slumdog Millionaire (Best Soundtrack Album, Best Song) and a Golden Globe award for his work on the same movie.


If you live in India, you will undoubtedly know who this man is. He is the quiet spoken, humble person that you wish you had the personal joy of one day meeting. His music continually serenades a generation of movie goers in India and yet he never ceases to amaze the world with his new musical creations. He continually evolves and creates wonderful music, which we continue to awe at and feel blessed to be able to witness this creativity. 


AR Rahman is known for his simplicity, humility and compassion. Since the age of 4 he has had an obsession with Music and after spending his whole life being embraced by the wonder of Music, he often talks about the "power of music" and it's ability to cross all boundaries of race, caste, creed and language.


The following are some of AR Rahman's most famous quotes. 


"Humble origins need not prevent us from aspiring for and achieving great success."


"Criticism is fine - at the end of the day, my music speaks for itself."


"I try to do my best but, finally, everything is in God's hands."


"Rather than making money I believe in making people happy. All other things are secondary. Money isn't important, creative satisfaction is."


"Be a good son to your parents; Be a good husband to your wife and be a good father/mother to your children, and that would make you a good friend to me."


"I like music that is able to stir my soul. My music is a spiritual exercise."


"Religion sounds vulgar there days, I am more of a spiritual person. And I believe in being consistent with my spirituality. As one grows in life, one realises the magnitude of spirituality. It is the most beautiful passion. It raises you above all the negatives. For me and my music, spirituality is the most important element and I don't' thing I can create the kind of music I do, if I don't practice spirituality."




AR Rahman Quote 

"Your inner voice is the voice of divinity. To hear it, we need to be in solitude, even in crowded places."



AR Rahman Quotes

"Awards come with the blessings from God and it encourages you. At the same time it is not the end and it's a promise and you feel ashamed and ask yourself, "What have I done to get this?"




AR Rahman Quotes

"What cannot be put into words can be expressed through music."



AR Rahman Quotes

"No regrets. There is no time for that. Regret is boring."



AR Rahman Quotes

"I am for everyone, my music is for everyone, because films (and film music) cater to everyone."


This is a Wisdom To Inspire Original Article.

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